
What checks you need to do before you hire a domestic help?

Posted By: Rohit on 14 Jun 2018

We all are aware of the fact that crime rates these days are on the upswing. Your home needs to be safe at all times. When people say, times have changed it has been proved time and gain. Earlier times, hiring a domestic help on the recommendation or a friend or family was considered safe but not now.

In today’s times, you need to do a thorough background check before hiring your domestic help. You must get the help verified at the police station.

Some checks to keep in mind before hiring a domestic help are-

Interview the person- Ask him/her for detailed information, such as identity documents and verified documents from the police station. You must know of the permanent residential address.

Background verification- Don’t forget to conduct a background verification of the domestic help you hire. Verify his/her identity documents like AADHAAR, Voter ID, etc and register the person to the local police station. Lastly, check for his/her past criminal records to ensure your family safety.

Hiring through an agency- Hiring a domestic from the agency is beneficial, since the agencies carry out complete background checks. Agencies even check if the individual has any criminal record. But, do ask your agency to provide a report of the person along with ID and criminal record checks before you hire them.

References- You must make it a point to get contactable references. Previous employers will provide you with valuable information on the domestic help such as- type of person, strengths and weaknesses and the reasons for leaving their previous job. You can also gain insight if the person you are going to hire is trustworthy or not. As a responsible employer you should also ask for his/her person references who could be contacted during emergencies.

It would be advisable not to employ underage maids just to cut down on costs. Child labour is a punishable offence.

After you have hired your domestic help, create a rapport with him/her. Treat them well and appreciate them when a job is well done. When you treat them well, they would give a better output and feel appreciated.